Waste Research

Smart Solutions for the SDGs

TrashFreeChina Team, as a student group within the Geneva-Tsinghua Initiative, works on providing smart trash solutions for Chinese primary schools. We believe that school children, as the next trash-free generation, are center of solving the trash problem in China and around the globe.

DSNY Disposal Network

Throughout New York City, the DSNY uses 16 different locations to process waste. Using open NYC Open Data, this visualization compares tonnages by location.

DSNY Live Data Stream

The New York City Department of Sanitation has started to release regular tonnage reports on NYC Open Data. See which community districts produce the most waste!


What's in my trash?

Discover what's in downtown Brooklyn's waste by diving in hands first. This is a project to quantify and analyze the contents of public waste baskets in downtown Brooklyn.

EcoHack World: Landfill Club

During EcoHack NYC, enthusiastic hackers began to explore and visualize data around landfills making some interesting findings.

Students Perform Waste Audit

Three NYU students dove into understanding the university's waste stream by exploring and measuring bags of waste.

DSNY Collection Tonnages

Taken from the NYC Open Data portal, this map shows collection tonnages by district. Unfortunately, the data only spans one month in 2011.

NYU Recycling By Building

Though data has been challenging to gather, this graph showcases NYU recycling by building over a one week time period.

Dead Horse Bay

New York City is filled with a rich history that includes a history of waste unlike any other. Dead Horse Bay, located in Brooklyn, is one of these amazing historical sites which still exudes its infamous past.

Open Trash Lab Data Sources

A collection of links to data that have been discovered and used in Open Trash Lab projects. We hope to build this collection as partnerships with other organizations begins to grow.